Гитарная площадь DR Supertrings Electric Baimei 4567 Strines Besqin Strings товар в наличии распродажа спец. предложение

Цена: 1 890-4 050 руб.
Оригинальная цена~ ¥105
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DR 荣获2008年《Bass Player》优秀Bass琴弦品牌



Hi Beam荣获十大选择BASS琴弦

DDT: Drop Down Tuning™: 55, 75, 95, 115, 135








The first thing you will notice about these strings is how stable they are...how they go right into tune and lock in. Players say"they are so stable it is almost eerie." Now, you can stand and deliver in-tune notes at lower pitch that are clean and clear. Expect more and get more! Change tunings and be surprised howDDT strings lock in. Be surprised how little adjustments you make. DDT strings deliver far more than just heavy gauges.


你首先会注意到琴弦的稳定性,一 низ 找准音,牢牢锁住它。乐手们称它们稳定到难以让人想象的地步。你可以站着弹奏准确、清楚的低音调,期待越来越多了吧!变换音调,瞧瞧DDT琴弦如何锁定音调,惊叹你所做的简 один 调整,DDT琴弦给与你的远远多于繁杂的量表。


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Drop tune with confidence. Drop tune with accuracy. DDT strings maintain their intonation at lower tunings far better than any other string we have everplayed or heard. Designed,and wound to answer the needs of the dark side.


имеет Верность.准确的降调。 DDT琴弦保持低音调的能力比以往我们弹过或听过的琴弦都要好,它们生来就为了回应内心隐秘的情感。






"Tuned down, I was never able to play a favorite riff. It always came out muddy, and'gurbled.'Now it is crystal clear. I am going to record it and give it to my bandmates, who could not hear it before." A.F.


“小声点,我从没演奏过让我满意的即兴即兴重复段,听起来总是拖泥带水,或像是预设好的。但现在它像水晶一样清澈。我会把它录 низ 来给我的队友,他们从 имеет 机会未听过。”







BOOTZILLAS(Покрытие):Boosty Collins Signature Series.“来自外太空的Funkзвук”






Bootzillas贝司琴弦的镀层是用来抵御 имеет 腐蚀性物质的,例如汗液,灰尘,潮湿的空气和各种腐蚀。


这种不锈钢从欧洲进口并提供了一种比 обычный 不锈钢更为锋利的音质。


Medium BZ-45 45 65 80 105

DR 荣获2008年《Bass Player》优质Bass琴弦




吉他平方 DR LO-RIDER 美产 ручная работа 贝司 4弦 琴弦 45 105 MH-45


Lo-Rider不锈钢贝司琴弦采用在六边形内芯 верх 进行圆缠绕的技术,使音色更加的浑 толстая 低沉,并且听 верх 去比Hi-Beams的声音要坚硬一些。弹奏slapping、popping和tapping的贝司手会爱 верх Lo-Rider的 высокая 音和声音的 толстая Проводить. Lo-Rider当中夹杂的坚硬感觉在演奏和声的时候会显得非常出众。适合乐手们的硬度和琴弦之间的和谐是DR琴弦的突出特征。


Lo-Rider stainless steel bass strings are round wound and constructed upon a hexagonal core. They provide more depth of tone,
and are a bit stiffer than Hi-Beams. Bass players who are into slapping, popping, and tapping will love the high end and depth
of Lo-Rider. The slight bit of stiffness makes Lo-Rider bass strings very accurate when playing harmonics. Great consistency,
and great string-to-string balance are DR hallmark.


NGB6-30 30 45 65 85 105 125

MR6-30 30 45 65 85 105 125

NPB6-30 30 45 65 85 105 125

MH6-30  30 45 65 85 105 125

BKB6-30 30 45 65 85 105 125

NPB6-30 30 45 65 85 105 125



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